Saturday, July 24, 2010

How Monkeys Loose Their Freedom! - By Connie Spivey

Salvation is so simple but to a lot of people it is hard to understand, so they can't believe salvation is free for them! They don't realize that they can be saved, just by believing. They feel like they should do something to save themselves. In other words pride always believes that everyone has something good in him or her. But John 5:24 says Verily, Verily, I say unto you, he that hearth my word and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation: but is passed from death unto life. That verse says to us we cannot do anything to help save ourselves! Isaiah 64:6, but we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our inequities, like the wind have taken us away. I am not comparing us with monkeys at all, just making an illustration. I understand the way they capture monkeys in Africa; they put something that the monkey likes to eat in a jar that is large enough at the top so they can put their hand into the jar. But it will not come back through the top of the jar! So the monkey will not let go of the food, so he holds on to it! That way, they are trapped and all they have to do is let go of it and pull out their hand. But the jars are fastened down so they capture them and they loose their freedom. That is the way a lot of people are, they will not let go of their own works and so they are trapped by the Devil, and hang on to their works instead of being set free. They can trust the Lord for their free Salvation by accepting the work that Christ did on the Cross-when He died for their sins. He paid the sin debt and it cost God His son, but it is free and did not cost us anything!

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
ead Acts 16L31 Romans 1:16, and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

E-mail this BIBLE STUDY to all your friends 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

God Speaks Through the Apostle Paul! - John D. LaVier

God Speaks Through the Apostle Paul!

John D. LaVier

In our study of the Word we are told to test the things that differ, and in the next several lessons we will be looking at the ways in which God has spoken, the messengers He has used, and the various messages suited to the different ages. It is reasonable to assume that the Creator would not leave the creature in ignorance of his Maker, but there need be no assumption because the Scriptures plainly declare that from the very beginning, and in every age, God has revealed Himself and communicated with mankind. He has ever been desirous that men should know Him. The knowledge of God is the goal of redemption and all prophecy anticipates the day when the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth and when all shall know Him from the least to the greatest.

God has spoken again and again but men have closed their eyes to the truth and stopped their ears to the divine message. In Romans 1: I 8-21 the ancient world is seen. That world was the antediluvian world and also the world thereafter which ended in the judgment at Babel. Verse 18 reads: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." It is to be noted here that they had the truth, and the ungodliness that kindled God's anger was not the ungodliness of ignorance but the ungodliness of a conscious and deliberate suppression of revealed truth. The next verse shows this to be the case. "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them." The knowledge of God was manifest in them. God had shewed it unto them, and they not only had the witness of His words but the witness of His works as well. Before going any further, however, we need to be reminded that we should not apply these passages exclusively to the world of old. God is still speaking today and the present world, by and large, turns a deaf ear to His words and even attempts to hold down the truth lest others should hear.

Even if God had not spoken in other ways, which He had, His everlasting power and deity are clearly seen in His creation. "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." The psalmist had this in view when he wrote: "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard" (Psalm 19: 1-3). Creation bears a mighty testimony to all men everywhere. It says clearly and plainly that there is a Creator, and this Creator is God, and as God is then to be worshipped and served. This is the everlasting gospel mentioned in the Revelation which is simply that God is the Creator. "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; '" and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters" (Revelation 14:67). In Isaiah 40:26 we are challenged to lift up Our eyes on high, to view the starry heavens, to consider the vastness and the intricacy of the universe. In doing so the question comes to mind; how did all this happen? Did it just come together by chance? Common sense precludes the answer to that question. We must say that behind it all is One who is infinite in wisdom and power, and we are introduced to Him in the 28th verse as "the Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth. "

When God put Our first parents in the garden prepared for them He did not leave them uninformed. He told them they were to be fruitful, to multiply, and to replenish the earth. They were, under God, to have dominion Over the restored creation. They were to be trained under the paternal care of their Maker to godliness and usefulness. What precious fellowship they must have had with the Lord as He oft came to converse with them. We do not know how long this state of Edenic innocence continued but the record seems to indicate it was brief. Sad to say they listened to Satan's lies and sinned and fell, but even after their sin God did not abandon them. He came seeking them and finding them. Then, instead of the death of the sinners, which was deserved, it was the death of an innocent substitute, no doubt a lamb. "Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them" (Genesis 3:21). Instead of the death of the sinners there was the death of a substitute, and now they were cleansed and clothed. What a beautiful picture. As sinners we deserved the wages of sin, which is death, but the Lord Jesus Christ died in Our place. Trusting Him we are cleansed from every spot and stain by the precious blood of the Lamb of God shed on the cross of Calvary, and we are clothed in the garments of salvation, the robe of God's righteousness in Christ.

The IIth chapter of Hebrews is God's hall of fame. In it are seen great champions of faith, both men and women, noble characters all. The word "faith" is mentioned twenty-four times, and since faith comes by hearing theWord of God, it is proof that God has been speaking. In the opening verses (4-7) we are introduced to three great men of faith. The first is Abel and we read: "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain." When the first creature was put to death so that Adam and Eve might be clothed it was probably then that God infonned man that henceforth approach to Him and acceptance must be on the basis of blood shed and a life laid dOwn. Believing, Abel carne in the God-ordained way arld was accepted. Here is faith's Worship and also faith's witness, for "he being dead yet speaketh." The next one mentioned is Enoch and we read: "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him; for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." Enoch lived in a wicked and ungodly age. Told of the judgment that was to come he began to walk with God in separation from the surrounding sin. Here is faith's walk, which was pleasing to God, and in him also we see faith's witness for Jude tells us that Enoch was a prophet and warned of the judgment that was to be visited on the ungodly. The third man of faith was Noah and the record states: "By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith." Made aware of the coming judgment, and given God's blueprint, he began building the great judgment-proof ark. This is faith's work and again is faith's witness, for while working Noah was witnessing as a preacher of righteousness. In all of this are lessons for us. By faith we are to be worshiping, walking, working, witnessing, and waiting for the realization of our blessed hope. It is to be noted also from these heroes of faith that man was not left uninformed: God was speaking and man was without excuse.

In times past God spoke to men in many different ways. With Abraham His friend He spoke face to face, as in Genesis 17: 1 when He appeared to Abraham, introducing Himself as Almighty God (EI Shaddai). The same was true with Moses. We read: "And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend" (Exodus 33: 11). He also spoke to Moses out of the burning bush and to Balaam by means of a dumb animal. He spoke to others in dreams, or visions, and sometimes by angels. In this present dispensation of the grace of God there is no longer any need for Him to speak in this fragmentary manner. We now have the completed Word of God containing all we need to know, and all believers have the Holy Spirit indwelling them to be their teacher and to lead and guide them into all truth. What a treasure we have in this Book, the Bible, the Word of the Living God. The psalmist said, "Thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name" (Psalm 138:2) and if God has thus magnified His Word we ought to do likewise. We need to read it, study it, hide it in our hearts, walk in obedience to it, and make it known to others. As we read and study the Word it is God speaking to us, and as we pray it is us speaking to God. There should ever be this two-way street.

During Israel's long history God was speaking to the Hebrew fathers by the prophets (Hebrews I: I). Referring to this it is written: "And the Lord God of their fathers sent to them by His messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling place" (2 Chronicles 36: 15). This long line of prophets and messengers stretched from Moses to John Baptist. Some may think the only task of the prophet was to predict future events. This was far from the truth; his main business was to foretell, to tell forth the Word of Jehovah, rather than to foretell.

The prophet's work was opposite that of the priest. Whereas the priest spoke to God on behalf of man, the prophet spoke to man on behalf of God. He was God's spokesman. Really, the ministry of these prophets was twofold. First it had to do with the people's spiritual condition, oft charging them with their sin and idolatry and calling on them to repent and turn back to Jehovah, and warning them of the judgments which would be their due if they persisted in their wickedness. Then secondly they reminded the people of God's faithfulness in Israel's past history and of the promised blessings which would eventually come to the nation on the basis of God's covenant with them. Also, as in all the Scriptures, the great burden of the prophetic writings had to do with the person of God's Son, the Messiah and coming King of Israel. The Apostle Peter wrote that Israel's prophets "testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow" (I Peter I: 11). In other words they prophesied of two great events, which were the two advents of Christ; His first coming to suffer and die in putting away the sin of the world, and His second coming in power and glory to reign over the nations. This was brought out in the Lord's words to the two disciples on the Emmaus road. He said, "0 fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken; ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His glory" (Luke 24:25-26). Christ will enter into His glory when He returns to establish His kingdom on earth; when He will be enthroned and when the government will be upon His shoulder. Peter spoke of this prophesied kingdom with its attendant blessings as "the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began" (Acts 3:21). Praise His name, that day is coming, when our blessed Lord Jesus will have His rightful place.

Major Whittle refers to this in his hymn:

Our Lord is now rejected, and by the world disowned,
By the many still neglected, and by the few enthroned;
But soon He '// come in glory, the hour is drawing nigh,
For the crowning day is coming by and by.

Another subject dealt with by Israel's prophets had to do with the brief period of time preceding Christ's coming to establish His kingdom. This is the time of Jacob's trouble, referred to by the Lord as the Great Tribulation. When God discontinued His dealings with Israel and began calling out the members of the Church, the Body of Christ, then and there the prophetic clock was stopped. When the Church has beencompleted and removed from this earthly scene by way of the Rapture the prophetic clock will begin ticking again. God will be working again with Israel, Abraham's seed, and He begins by bringing them into and through the worst time of trouble they have ever experienced. "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it; it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it" (Jeremiah 30:7). This is the time of kingdom preparation and Jacob (Israel) is being prepared for the prominent role they will have in that kingdom as head over the nations. God says, "I will bring them through the fire, and refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried" (Zechariah 13:9). With their dross removed the Lord promises "it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, 0 house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing" (Zechariah 8: 13). All of God's purposes for the earth are to be worked out through Israel, and this time of Jacob's trouble is Satan's final effort to exterminate the Israeli and defeat the purpose of God. It will be a day of wrath; the wrath of Satan and Antichrist directed against God's covenant people, while at the same time the wrath of God visited on their enemies. God says: "And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee" (Jeremiah 1:19). Zephaniah refers to this day of trouble as "a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness" (1: 15) but shortly afterward they will hear the cry: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee" (Isaiah 60: 1 ). Israel will be saved out of that day of wrath, even as the three Hebrews were saved out of the fiery furnace. The Body of Christ, however, will not be saved out of, but saved from that fearsome time, for they will never enter into it. Members of Christ's Body are waiting for their Head from heaven, even Jesus, who delivereth us from the wrath to come. "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ" (l Thessalonians 5:9).

In rightly dividing the Word of truth it is needful to distinguish between that which was prophesied and that which was not prophesied, or kept secret. As already stated the prophets spoke of the two comings of Christ. They spoke of His first coming to suffer and His second coming to be glorified, but they did not know that between the two comings there would be a dispensation of grace that has already lasted almost two thousand years. This was a secret known only to God. Not only did the Old Testament prophets know nothing of this but even when the Lord was here as Israel's King, offering the kingdom to them, He did not make this secret known. When Israel persisted in their rejection of Him,both before and after His death and resurrection, God turned away from that nation, called out a new apostle and made the secret known to him. That was the Apostle Paul. The truth concerning this present dispensation and God's purposes in it was revealed to and through Paul and this truth is found only in his inspired writings. The prophets and others before Paul knew nothing about the Church, sinners saved by grace alone, baptized into Christ and made members of His Body. Paul wrote: "If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward; how that by revelation He made known unto me the mystery ... which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men" (Ephesians 3:2-5). Paul wrote again concerning the Church: "whereof! am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God; even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints" (Colossians 1 :25-26). One looks in vain to find any reference to the Church in the prophetic writings. The Church was a mystery (secret) until revealed through the Apostle Paul. 

 Also Read

Israels Future - John D. LaVier

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
ead Acts 16L31 Romans 1:16, and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

E-mail this BIBLE STUDY to all your friends 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It must be understood that there can be no fellowship with Christ apart from knowing Him as personal Saviour. Fellowship involves agreement. As long as a person remains “dead in trespasses and sins,” he does not have the capabilities of fellowship. A “dead” person cannot believe, share, work, or worship, which are vital parts of fellowship with Christ, our risen Saviour.
Fellowship with Christ involves Believing

Over one hundred times in the gospel of John, we are instructed to “believe.” We must believe such scriptures as Acts 16:31, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. ” Also, we are told in John 1:12, “But as many as received Him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name.”

Believing must continue after we are saved. The child of God must constantly take God at His Word. The great love chapter, I Corinthians 13, tells us that love “beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.” The apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:18-19, “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.”
Fellowship with Christ involves Sharing

I Timothy 1:18 almost becomes a definition of the principal of sharing- “That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.” The word “communicate,” as used here, means a liberal sharing of what we have in Christ. It seems such a shame to try and horde up the riches of our Lord. If they make us happy and prosperous, we should share them with others that they can be happy, too! This is one of the great privileges and blessings that come to Christians who love the Lord.
Fellowship with Christ involves Worship

Our Lord told the woman at Jacob’s well, “the hour cometh, and now is, when the true (real) worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.” Communion or fellowship takes more than one person. We shouldn’t worship ourselves. There is no “real” worship apart from the Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit and the Word must be involved with all true worship. Our Lord should be the center of all our worship services, the center of all our work, and in fact the center of our lives.
Fellowship with Christ involves Work

Ephesians 2:10 states, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” There are lots of “works” that are not “good works”, but any work in conjunction with our Lord is bound to be a “good work.” We should speak as the apostle Paul spoke in II Corinthians 6:1, “We then as workers together with Him …”

God will bless work that is done for Him, and with Him. Yes, fellowship with Christ is both sweet and rewarding.

Recovery Of Truth - O'Hair - YouTube

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
ead Acts 16L31 Romans 1:16, and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

E-mail this BIBLE STUDY to all your friends 

Monday, July 19, 2010

No Chance To Be Born! - By Connie Spivey


While I was alive in my mother's womb,
And my life was taken from me too soon.
God did, You ever have a plan for me?
If You did, I guess it was never meant to be.
Lord You must have known I'd never be born,
even before, I was ever formed.
If only I'd had the chance to say,
Mom couldn't you just give me away.
I wonder if you ever think about what you've done,
Since it turned out to be I was your only son.
I wish I had known what it would have been like,
If I’d ever been able to ride a bike.
Or to run and play with other little boys,
And had a lot of friends and a lot of toys.
And grown up to have Children all of my own,
But that is too late "I'm already home':

By – Connie Spivey

Recovery Of Truth - O'Hair - YouTube

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
ead Acts 16L31 Romans 1:16, and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

E-mail this BIBLE STUDY to all your friends 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Testimony of Connie Spivey

The Testimony of Connie (Ashlock) Spivey

Going back over my childhood isn’t easy to do and I find it hard to write about; but I believe that God wants me to do this and if that is what he wants me to do; I am more than glad to do it. Growing up in the country is so different than in a large city, not so crowded with families living many miles apart. So brothers and sisters usually just played together, my sister who was two years younger, and I were pretty close.

There was an elderly couple holding Sunday school classes at the country school where I attended. My mother allowed my sister who was ten, and I was twelve to go the first Sunday. I was so surprise to hear what they were saying as they told us that God loved us so much that He gave His only Son to die on a cross and paid for all our sins and all we had to do, is just believe on Him, and accept Him into our lives and, we never had to worry about not going to Heaven when we died, that God gave us eternal life and it was a free gift! I had never felt loved as a child and I couldn’t imagine anyone loving me that much so it was easy for me to just accept Him into my life and believe in the One who had did that for me! I wanted that Person more than anything I could think of. I don’t think I understood all that was being said but, I remember when they were asking us if we wanted to accept Him as our Savior, I know I was saved in my seat but, when they ask us to come down to the front I was more than glad to go. Will when I got down to the front as I looked back I notice that all the children were gone and we were the only ones left. They had all gone home and my sister had gone also, there were thirteen of us left.

So I had to go home alone, and I couldn’t understand why my mother was anger with me. I learned my sister had told her what had happened and she was waiting with a belt for me. I was afraid of her because she had used it on me many times, but couldn’t see what made her get that anger at me since, I didn’t feel like I had did anything wrong. I was so happy before I got home and it was hard to imagine this was happening, all my joy I had felt was turning into sadness. But she said there was no such thing as “Once Saved always Saved” and I was too young to be saved in the first place.

She just told me to go to the table and eat lunch but I wasn’t hungry at all, I was wishing I could go back to school and talk some more to the nice couple who; had made me so happy with what they told me. I was devastated as I heard her telling me I could not go back to the classes anymore, since they were going to continue them through the summer. I was wondering if the other children would get to go. Will anyway I was afraid to ask her if I could go back, after that! I know that was the worst thing I felt could happen to me. I don’t believe my family understood how hurtful that was to me, my sisters that were older, made ugly remarks that hurt me. I didn’t know why they were doing this to me and why did they not understand about God; and all the things He had did for them, I was afraid to tell them, so I just kept it to myself. It wasn’t easy growing up in a non-Christian family, but time went quickly and I wanted to go to High School, we lived quite a distant from a small town where the high school was and I could walk to the bus that carried the country children to the high school in town. But after my first year my parents let me live with my Grandmother who lived close to the school.

I found that Children weren’t much different than the little country school where I had gone. The children seemed more mature than I was, and I found myself spending all my time in my books.

It seemed like everyone just lived as if there was no God! At least that was the way it looked to me; I guess they just wanted to have fun anyway they could. I knew I couldn’t forget my experience I had, and although I was confused and I had no one to talk to, and I was very lonely. I couldn’t talk to my family or my Grandmother and so that left me just talking to the “One who had made me so happy on that summer day.” I did not know He lived inside me at the time. But I did know I could trust Him with everything and I just talked to Him, I knew He was the only real friend I had. I had tried reading my bible but found I couldn’t understand it. I knew I needed someone to help me understand the Scriptures, but I was afraid to even mention it, since my mother had acted like I did something wrong when I came home from Sunday school that day. I can’t explain why I felt the way I did, but I guess it was because of the fear, that my mother had put into me as I was growing up. I know that she made a difference between me and my other sisters.

I became confused not knowing just what to do, not having any Christian friends, and not knowing how to meet them. I know there are those who might wonder why didn’t I just go to a Church and ask the people to give me all the answers I wanted to know? But I remembered what had happened when my mother told me there was no such thing as “Once saved always saved” I was afraid they would tell me the same thing.

I believe God watches over His children and I believe He was watching over me all that time. I later moved to a large city and that is where I met my husband; I found He couldn’t help me with my questions either, but he understood more than I did. He was a Christian also but, his mother had brought him up in a Pentecostal Church. So he didn’t know that he had eternal life at the present time either. He was dissatisfied with the way the Church where he went believed on the subject of our Security in Christ. Now I believe that was the reason maybe we met since we both had some of the same problems. Maybe we would be able with God’s help to find the answers we needed.

But I didn’t know it would take so long, and God wants us to know the truth and to hide it in our hearts so we can live for Him the way He desires us to. I now know that it is so much easier to live for the Lord, when you know you have eternal life and He will never take it from you. Because eternal life is eternal or it isn’t eternal life at all. So that was why I was having so much trouble and so confused, there is nothing to rejoice about if you can lose your salvation. How could you trust God and be worrying about loosing your Salvation at the same time.

But I still had a lot to learn and it took me many years to forget about those bad things that had so confused me when I was young. I would read the New Testament over and over, since that was where my husband told me to read. He knew that I certainly couldn’t understand the OT so I read the new Testament through over 15 times in about 6 months. But it was not until after my second child was born and in school. One day I was reading my bible and praying for the Lord to help me, see the Security of the believer just like I did as a child of 12. While I was reading the book of John it seemed like John 3:16 stood out to me as if it were the first time I had read it, although, I had memorized it. I was taken back in my mind to the time when I was in the little country school and I could see the same thing again. I realized I had everlasting life all that time. You can’t imagine how I felt, all my joy returned to me and I was just as happy as I was years before. I couldn’t thank God enough for what He had done for me and for allowing me to once again to see that I could not lose my salvation.

I am hopeful that my Testimony will be a help to those who may have problems about the fear of loosing their Salvation after they are saved. I know that God will keep us in Christ and I can just trust Him for everything. I can certainly trust Him after all the Scriptures say so much about our security in Christ in His Word. Here are some of them that I have made a part of my life. John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 5:24, “He that hearth my word and believeth on Him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. Colossians 2:2, Buried with Him in Baptism wherein also ye are raised with Him through the faith of the operation of God, Who hath raised Him from the dead.” (Corinthians 12:13) “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:5-6) “Even when we were dead in sins, have quickened us together with Christ (by Grace ye are saved) and raised us up together, and made us set together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” I realize as far as God is concerned we are already seated in Heaven since, we are put into His Body, by the Spirit of God. We just have to wait for our Heavenly Bodies. (1 Thessalonians 4:16) “For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Arch Angel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.”(Verse 17) “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

I believe with the help of the Lord, my husband Cecil, and I was used in my mother’s life, and she was saved before going to be with the Lord. Trying to live up to certain standards to get to Heaven is one of Satan’s lies. I know I have eternal life and the devil cannot take it away from me. Romans 8:38-39, “For I am persuaded, that neither death, not life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor heights, nor dephs, nor any other Creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We are now attending a Grace Bible Church about thirteen miles from us, and I know that the Lord has helped us come to the knowledge in His Word and to find the fellowship we have found in where we are right now.

Connie (Ashlock) Spivey, 79, went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, July 11, 2010. 
Read more:

Connie (Ashlock) Spivey 1997

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

HE PROVED HE WAS - By Connie (Ashlock) Spivey 1997


Connie (Ashlock) Spivey

He could feed the hungry, and He could ca he sea, All the miracles He did proved to me.I didn’t see the miracles, but I didn’t have too, We have His word, and I know it is true.He healed the sick and raised the dead, It was on the cross where, His blood was shed.I believe the Bible, I believe every verse, He not only rules the earth, but the whole universe.Wen I go into homes sometimes, I can’t see Him there, I guess Christian homes are becoming so rare.He died on the cross, to set the world free, To pay the sin debt, now, He is living in me.The first day of the week, He raised from the dead, The disciples remembered, and believed what He said.What peace we can know, all our sins are forgiven, We have His promise, He’ll take us to heaven.

By - Connie (Ashlock) Spivey 1997

Connie (Ashlock) Spivey, 79, went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, July 11, 2010.
Read more:

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
ead Acts 16L31 Romans 1:16, and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

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Walking By Faith! - Connie Spivey

If you can not see the way, and you feel you are walking in the dark, Just read His precious Word, and hide it in your heart. We walk by faith and not by sight, and let Him lead the way, It’s amazing what the Lord can do, if we will only pray. He will carry us through the darkness, though we may not understand, God Who knows our future, is the One Who holds our hand. God knew us before we were born, and knew what we would do, So then no matter what happens, He will carry us through. We pray He will give us courage, and strengthen us within, So that we can help others, to put their trust in Him. When we get to Heaven, and see that beautiful Place, We will be there for eternity, and all because of His Grace.

Connie Spivey – 1998

Recovery Of Truth - O'Hair - YouTube

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
ead Acts 16L31 Romans 1:16, and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

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