The sense of smell, which is
sometimes taken for granted, affects several different areas of our lives,
sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. The difference is often indicated
by the word that is used to describe the smell. For instance, the words odor,
stench, and sometimes even the word smell itself, have a negative connotation.
On the other hand, the words aroma, fragrance, and scent are almost always used
in a positive way.
One thing affected by the sense of smell is
our sense of taste. For instance, the smell of freshly baked bread can almost
make ones mouth water for the taste, while a person who has a stuffy nose and
cannot smell a thing, will often say that most foods seem to have no taste at
Another thing that smell can affect is mood
or attitude. The perfume industry depends on this, for their aim is to design,
market, and sell fragrances that can evoke feelings of romance or attraction.
Smells can even affect our actions. For
example, some odors are so strong and so disgusting that they can make people
sick to their stomach.
In 2 Corinthians 2, the apostle Paul is led
of the Holy Spirit to use the concept of smell or fragrance to illustrate how
the testimony of believers can affect the lives of others.
Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach
Christ's gospel, and a door was opened to me by the Lord, I had no rest in my
spirit, because I did not find Titus my brother; but taking my leave of them, I
departed for Macedonia. (2 Corinthian 2:12-13)
Paul first makes reference to a time of
stress in his life. He had come to Troas to preach the gospel and, though the
Lord provided an opportunity for ministry, Paul found no rest in his spirit. He
had hoped to see Titus there, but the young man, whom Paul described as a true
son in our common faith, never arrived. Though Paul was disappointed and
somewhat distressed about this situation, he emphasized that there is always
triumph in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in
triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in
every place. (2 Corinthian 2:14)
The illustration Paul uses here is that of a
Roman triumphal procession; a parade to honor Roman generals who won great
victories in battle. The victorious general, when he returned home, led a
procession through the city streets, riding in his golden chariot. The
procession was followed by the conquered captives, most of whom were destined
to die in the arena. During the parade the Roman priests would burn incense.
The aroma of the incense paid tribute to the victorious general and his army.
Paul thanks God for the triumph that we have
in Christ; the victory that He won over sin, over death, and over Satan through
His sacrificial death and His powerful resurrection from the grave (1
Corinthian 15:57). Because of His finished work on the cross of Calvary, the
Lord Jesus Christ always leads us in triumph at all times, even in times of
distress or disappointment. Not only that, but we can thank God that through us
He diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
It is truly amazing to realize that God
chooses to work through us, mere sinners saved by His grace. Even though we
live in earthen vessels (2 Corinthian 4:7), God can fill and use these vessels
as instruments for His service (Romans 6:13).
Paul speaks of God using us to diffuse the
fragrance of His knowledge in every place. The word diffuse literally means to
make manifest or known. Like the aroma of the incense burned by the Roman
priests bore testimony to and honored the triumph of the victorious general, so
our lives are to bring glory and honor to our victorious Savior, the Lord Jesus
Christ. The fragrance we are to diffuse is that of His knowledge, or, more
literally, the knowledge of Him. This knowledge is found in Gods Word. This is
why, as Gods children, we are told to: Preach the Word! (2 Timothy 4:2).
For we are to God the fragrance of Christ
among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. (2
Corinthian 2:15)
Believers are, to God, the fragrance of
Christ. The word fragrance means a good smell or a sweet smell. The idea is
seen in Leviticus chapter 1, where we read of the burnt offerings the children
of Israel were to bring to the Lord. As the sacrifice was burned on the altar,
the smoke that rose up from the fire carried a sweet aroma to the Lord (Lev.
1:9). As the burnt offering was a sweet aroma to the Lord, so Christ's death on
the cross for our sins was an offering and a sacrifice to God for a
sweet-smelling aroma (Ephesians 5:2). God was propitiated (satisfied) through
Christ's finished work on the cross for our sins (Romans 3:25-26). His holy and
righteous requirements being satisfied, we can now be accepted in the Beloved (Ephesians
1:6). When we trust Christ as Savior, God places us in Christ by the baptism of
the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthian 12:13). When God sees us, He sees us in His Son,
and, we are, to Him, the fragrance of Christ a sweet smell of satisfaction.
God also sees us as the fragrance of Christ
in our testimony to others, among those who are being saved and among those who
are perishing. Just as certain smells can affect people, the fragrance of
Christ can affect people in an even more powerful way. We are to manifest the
fragrance of His knowledge to other people. The fragrance we manifest is the
same to everyone, the knowledge of Christ and His finished work of redemption,
but the response is not always the same.
To the one we are the aroma of death leading
to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. (2 Corinthian
Some respond to the fragrance of Christ like
the crowds who welcomed and cheered the Roman general as he led the victory
procession. To them the aroma of the incense burned by the priests was a
wonderful smell, a smell of great triumph, not just for the general, but for
them as well. Likewise, to those who hear the Word of God and believe it,
trusting in Christ as their Savior, the fragrance of Christ is truly a sweet smell.
It is an aroma of life to them, and embracing it as such, it leads them to life
eternal and to great triumph in Christ.
Others respond to the fragrance of Christ
like the conquered captives, the slaves who were on their way to die in the
arena. To them the smell of the burned incense was not a sweet smell at all,
but an odor of impending death. Thus, to those who hear the Word of God, but
reject Christ as Savior and Lord, the fragrance of Christ has no attraction for
them. It is nothing more than a smell of death, and they remain in their sinful
state, perishing.
believers, we must realize that we cannot control a persons response to the
Word of God. As much as we want people to believe and be saved, we cannot force
them. We can only diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge in every place we go.
We can proclaim the truth of Christ and Him crucified. We can share with people
the wonderful gospel of Gods saving grace. We can show people the joy and the
great triumph we have in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What a tremendous
service and responsibility this is! This leads us to question, as Paul did:
And who is sufficient for these things? (2
Corinthian 2:16b)
The answer to this question is given in 2
Corinthians 3:5: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything
as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God. We must not make the
mistake of thinking that we are sufficient, in ourselves, to do anything for
the Lord. Our ability to serve the Lord comes from Him, and from Him alone.
For we are not, as so many, peddling the word
of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in
Christ. (2 Corinthian 2:17)
Many in Paul's day (and in our day too) were
peddling the Word of God, not preaching for the glory of God, but for their own
dishonest gain (1 Timothy 6:5). Men like this have no concern for the truth and
accuracy of Gods Word and will often twist and corrupt the Word if they feel it
will be more profitable for them.
Paul emphasizes that true ministry stands in
stark contrast to these peddlers. We are to speak in sincerity, not for our own
selfish gain, but for the glory of the Lord. We are to speak as from God, or
literally out of God. We must remember that the message we have been entrusted
with is the Word of God. It is not to be corrupted or handled deceitfully, but
presented for what it is the Word of truth (2 Corinthian 4:2). It is also vital
that we realize our dependence upon the power of God in our lives, yielding to
His Holy Spirit to work in and through us. Finally, when we speak, we are to
speak in the sight of God, being concerned with pleasing Him and not with
pleasing men (Galatians 1:10).
What about you? Are you manifesting the
fragrance of Christ among the people you come in contact with each day? Or, is
your life diffusing a different kind of smell an indistinct smell, maybe even a
foul odor? God desires to diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge through you, a
fragrance that will certainly have an impact on the lives of those around you.
What type of impact will your life have?
Studies By Pastor Gregg Bing
- 06 - The Fullness of the Times
How God Saves
Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
Romans 1:16, Romans 10:9-10 and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4
(A 10 Minute Video)
Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey
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