Monday, November 27, 2017

72 Video's Studies in HEBREWS - By Les Feldick

72 Video's  Studies in HEBREWS 
 By Les Feldick

1.      Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 1 SSegmentt  1  Hebrews 1:1]

   2. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 1 SSegmentt  2  Hebrews 1:1

   3. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 1 SSegmentt  3  Hebrews 1: 2

   4. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 1 SSegmentt  4  Hebrews 1: 3

   5. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 2 SSegmentt  1  Hebrews 1:11

   6. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 2 SSegmentt  2  Hebrews 1:11

   7. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 2 SSegmentt  3  Hebrews 1:13

    8. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 2 SSegmentt  4  Hebrews 2:1

    9. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 3 SSegmentt  1  Hebrews 2:3

10. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 3 Segment 2 Hebrews 3:1-2

11. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 3 Segment 3 Hebrews 3:4

12. Les Feldick Book 46 Lesson 3  Segment 4 Hebrews  3:8

13. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 1  Segment 1 Hebrews  3:12

14. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 1  Segment 2 Hebrews  3:13

15. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 1  Segment 3   Hebrews  3:14

6. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 1  Segment 4  Hebrews  3:15

17. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 2  Segment 1  Hebrews  4:1

18. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 2  Segment 2  Hebrews 4:2

19. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 2  Segment 3  Hebrews . 4:3

20. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 2  Segment 4  Hebrews 4:4

21. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 3  Segment 1  Hebrews 4:12

2. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 3  Segment 2  Hebrews 4:12

3. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 3  Segment 3  Hebrews 4:13

24. Les Feldick Book 48 Lesson 3  Segment 4  Hebrews 4:15

25. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 1 Segment 1  Hebrews 5:1

6. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 1 Segment 2  Hebrews  5:5

27. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 1 Segment 3  Hebrews 5:7

28. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 1 Segment 4  Hebrews 5:10

29. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 2 Segment 1  Hebrews 6:1

30. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 2 Segment 2  Hebrews 6:1

31. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 2 Segment 3  Hebrews 6:1

2.  Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 2 Segment 4  Hebrews 6:

     33. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 3 Segment 1  Hebrews 6:4

34. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 3 Segment 2  Hebrews 6:4

35. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 3 Segment 3 Hebrews 6:6

36. Les Feldick Book 49 Lesson 3 Segment 4 Hebrews 6:9

37. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 1 Segment 1 Hebrews 6:11

38. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 1 Segment 2 Hebrews 7:1

39. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 1 Segment 3 Hebrews 7:3

40. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 1 Segment 4 Hebrews 7:11

41. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 2 Segment 1 Hebrews 7:20

42. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 2 Segment 2 Hebrews 7:25

43. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 2 Segment 3 Hebrews 7:26

44. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 2 Segment 4 Hebrews 8:3

45. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 3 Segment 1 Hebrews 8:10

46. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 3 Segment 2 Hebrews 9:1

47. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 3 Segment 3 Hebrews 9:6

48. Les Feldick Book 50 Lesson 3 Segment 4 Hebrews 9:11

49. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 1 Segment 1 Hebrews 9:15

50. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 1 Segment 2 Hebrews 9:20

51. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 1 Segment 3 Hebrews 9:27

52. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 1 Segment 4 Hebrews 10:1

53.  Les Feldick Book 5 Lesson 2 Segment 1 Hebrews 10:1

54. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 2 Segment 2 Hebrews 10:13

55. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 2 Segment 3 Hebrews 10:13

56. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 2 Segment 4 Hebrews 10:`18

57. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 3 Segment 1 Hebrews 10:23

58. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 3 Segment 2 Hebrews 10:29

59. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 3 Segment 3 Hebrews 10:34

60. Les Feldick Book 51 Lesson 3 Segment 4 Hebrews 11:4

61. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 1 Segment 1 Hebrews  11:8

62. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 1 Segment 2 Hebrews 11:8

63. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 1 Segment 3 Hebrews 11:10

64. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 1 Segment 4 Hebrews 11:23

65. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 2 Segment 1 Hebrews 11:24

66. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 2 Segment 2 Hebrews 11:29

67. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 2 Segment 3 Hebrews 12:1

 68. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 2 Segment 4 Hebrews 12:2

69. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 3 Segment 1 Hebrews 12:18

70. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 3 Segment 2 Hebrews 12:23

71. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 3 Segment 3 Hebrews 12:26

72. Les Feldick Book 52 Lesson 3 Segment 4 Hebrews 13:10

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

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Words Well Chosen - Pastor Paul M. Sadler

 Words Well Chosen 
  Pastor Paul M. Sadler
We have all had the unfortunate experience in life of having to speak with someone who is demeaning and offensive in how they approach a matter. They seem to relish putting people on the spot. Somehow they think that taking a hard-hitting approach will drive home their point more effectively. Usually the opposite is true, because their manner of speech is speaking more loudly than what is being said. Rather than relationships being strengthened, they are destroyed by abrasive words.

This type of response from the unsaved shouldn’t surprise us, but it should never be true of a believer in Christ. Sadly though, it is becoming increasingly true in the Christian community. One of the graces that nearly has been lost in the Church today is tact. Tact is a “keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or to avoid offense.” Essentially, it is having perception and grace when dealing with others. The Apostle Paul was a seasoned veteran in the art of tact. While he could be firm when it came to confronting error, he always did so with grace, hoping to restore the offender. More often than not, however, he exercised tact to accomplish his purpose.

A good example is when Paul addressed his countrymen in Jerusalem who were determined to take his life. As he was being led away to the castle, he requested that the chief captain allow him to speak to the unruly mob. We’re sure this probably seemed to be a strange request to the Roman captain, but he gave Paul permission to speak to his countrymen.
“Men, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my defense which I make now unto you. (And when they heard that he spake in the Hebrew tongue to them, they kept the more silence: and he saith,) I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel…” (Acts 22:1-3).
Before Paul shared his conversion on the road to Damascus, he, tactfully addressed them with titles of respect, “men, brethren, and fathers.” Then he perceptively spoke to them in the Hebrew language, the mother tongue of the chosen nation. Notice their response, “they kept the more silent.” Once he had their undivided attention, Paul identified himself with them, revealing that he was a Jew, born in Tarsus, but lived most of his life in Jerusalem, where he sat at the feet of one of their revered doctors of the law, Gamaliel.

That’s tact! May the Lord give us this type of discretion when we minister to others! And may it be to the praise of His glory.

Thank You Lord For Saving My Soul.

 Transformed By Grace  -
Kevin Sadler

Transformed By Grace #1 - Unity in Christ
Transformed By Grace #2 - One Body in Christ
Transformed By Grace #3 - The Apostle of Grace
Transformed By Grace #4 - The Gifts of Christ

Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Man Upstairs? - by Pastor John Fredericksen

   The Man Upstairs?  
  Pastor John Fredericksen

In his song entitled “Unanswered Prayers,” country singer Garth Brooks refers to God as “the Man upstairs.” Similar phrases referring to Almighty God include: the Big Man, my Co-pilot, my Homeboy, my Golf-buddy, or simply JC. The user may not intend it this way, but such references are highly disrespectful, and reveal a lack of understanding about who and what our Great High God really is.

When the Apostle John encountered the Lord Jesus Christ, who was instructing him to write what would be revealed to him, he said, “I fell at his feet as dead” (Rev. 1:17). Notice there was nothing casual in John’s response. Why? When the Lord Jesus Christ spoke, it was with “a great voice, as of a trumpet” (vs. 10). “His eyes were as a flame of fire” (vs. 14), and “His countenance was as the sun” (vs. 16).

This brief picture, and the reaction of a mere man in the presence of God, is consistent with the rest of Scripture. Isaiah says he saw “the Lord…high and lifted up” with dynamic angelic hosts attending   crying, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts” (Isa. 6:1-3). Isaiah’s response was not casual or irreverent. He said, “Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips” (vs. 5).

People of old had a far greater reverence for the Lord. King David described his great God by saying, “The Lord reigneth, He is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength…Thy throne is established of old: Thou art from everlasting” (Psa. 93:1-2). He continued, “God sitteth upon the throne of His holiness” as He reigns over all men (Psalm 47:8). He’s not just a co-pilot or a buddy. Balak declared, “God is not a man, that He should lie” (Num. 23:19).

The Lord tells us this is because, “…My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways…For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa. 55:8-9). In the context of all this information, the Lord Jesus said of the Father, “Hallowed [meaning holy or sacred] be Thy name” (Matt. 6:9).

It would be appropriate to lovingly share articles such as this with lost souls who lack understanding of God’s holiness and magnificence. More importantly, in humility, we believers need always to show great reverence to the Lord and to His name.

Les Feldick Ministries
30706 W. Lona Valley Rd.
Kinta, OK 74552

Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

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