Tuesday, June 10, 2014


 By Pastor Byron Richardson

Faith is another spiritual element which might need some elucidation. On its face it might appear that only one kind of faith has been dispensed among men. That would be impossible, since all have not heard and believed the same report ( Romans 10: 14) .

Surely, no one would claim that Noah's faith, as strong as it was, could equal the abounding faith which Paul delivered, and which is God's own unlimited transmitted Faith. Even Peter's faith could not measure up to this kind of Faith. James referred to a diluted type of faith, as compared even with Peter's faith (James 4:6; 1 Peter 3:18). The Unity of Faith will lead eventually to the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

Faith, as we know it from Paul, did not exist among men before it was revealed to him (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:23, 25). Faith, which was exercised by the patriarchs was acceptable for them, but it was of a relatively reduced quality when compared with Paul's Faith.

Paul pursued some earthly Kingdom tenets for a short while after he acquired knowledge of the New Covenant (Acts 28:8). This he did to vindicate his claim to Apostleship. Also, he accepted the earthly Kingdom environment into which he was introduced. Acts does not reflect the Body anywhere, and it contains little relating to the New Covenant.

Redemptive Blood is mentioned only once in Acts (20:24). Justification also is referred to once (13:39). We should not expect to find much Grace in a Kingdom oriented book (13:43; 15:11; 18:27; 20:24). We must realize that Faith and Grace have existed since Abel, but that they have increased steadily since then (Gen. 6:8; John 1:17; Romans 5:2; Titus 2: 11; Hebrews 4:16; 11:4; 1 Peter 4:10).

Paul did not compromise when he followed contemporary Kingdom teachings. Acts bridges the gap between Israel's earthly Kingdom of Heaven, and her heavenly New Covenant Kingdom, but not the Body. For the sake of the Jews Paul did things which might be questioned under Grace (Acts 16:1-3; 21:20-26; 28:8). Every vestige of the earthly Kingdom of Heaven vanished in his prison epistles, but New Covenant principles remained as the basis for his teaching.

Water baptisms were Mosaic purification ceremonies, many of which were associated with the Priesthood of Israel. It also extended into other areas as well (2 Chron. 30:17-18; Mark 7:4; John 2:6; 11:55). This part of the Law has been transferred by some into the New Covenant, and even into the Body. Baptismal regeneration as practiced by John the Baptist, Peter at Pentecost and other Kingdom adherents has invaded modern Christendom, thereby adding to the confusion.

For centuries orthodox religions have tried to establish, extend, advance, build and bring in the Kingdom. Nearly every church had adopted this as its objective. This strong impulse comes from prior ages which stressed good works, instead of the Grace of the New Covenant or the Body. This is but another flagrant case of inserting extraneous issues, which sabotage God's orderly processes.

We should shun even the slightest deviations from truth, however innocent they might appear to be. The Seven-fold Unity should be our constant guide and stay. By neglecting this precious heritage we could be guilty of perpetuating legalism without being aware of it, or of its consequences.

Our Lord will not reign over the earth for only a thousand years, which is but a day in God's sight (Kingdom of Heaven). His final rule will extend over the entire universe in perpetuity (Isiah 9:7; Daniel 4:3; Luke 1:32-33; Hebrews 1:8; Revelation 11:15). It should be obvious that the earthly Kingdom of Heaven (Millennium), the heavenly New Covenant Kingdom and the Kingdom of God are among things that differ. The Kingdom of Heaven (Millennium) will be stationed in the present world, but it will not be of this world (John 17:14; 18:36).

The ONE Faith as stated in our text is the only Faith which has been designated as a free GIFT (Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 2:8). This astounding fact is found only in Paul's writings. Such Faith cannot be earned, measured, equated, produced, reduced or mixed with other kinds. We are of the opinion that this Faith inures to the sole benefit of members of the Body, since only Paul mentions it.

The quality of Faith varies proportionately with the amount of revelation available in each dispensation. We search in vain for evidence to corroborate our erroneous assumption that the faithful from every dispensation are eligible to dwell in the Heaven of Heavens. The New Covenant opened the door to the New Heaven only.

Furthermore, we were surprised to learn that no part of Heaven became available to Israel, until the Apostle John opened it to them under the New Covenant (John1:12, 29; 3:16; 14:2-3; 20:31; 1 John 3:1), Even then the prospect was only a heavenly City. All segments of God's plan must be reconciled, or we shall be vulnerable to Satan's vicious attacks upon the truth, caused by ignorance of God's Word.

This particular brand of Faith may be cited as the very essence of divine Faith, It exceeds all human faith, which can be measured by human deportment. Such limited faith tends to vacillate considerably. God's innate Faith is constant, and it is not subject to man's estimation.

Certain saints express more faith than do others, who are less saturated with the Word rightly divided (2 Corinthians 10:13). This vicarious Faith is the same in kind to each recipient, but it differs materially in degree from person to person. The results depend upon individual responses (Romans 12:1).

God imparts His own Faith through His Word illuminated by the Holy Spirit (Romans10:17; 12:3), In this unilateral transaction God's intrinsic Faith displaces human faith, when it is permitted to do so.

God is the author of all types of faith which have been dispensed in all eras (Hebrews 12:2). He bestows unprecedented Faith upon the Body, over and above that of the New Covenant. Such superb Faith cannot be questioned, since it is God's perfect Faith bestowed as a legacy. As stated, this Faith is conferred upon the Body in proportion to each member's ability and willingness to assimilate His Word (Romans10:17) It is not imputed to members of the Body, as it is under the New Covenant. It is transferred to that select group without any change in its original character and intrinsic value.

According to Paul's Gospel, human faith is mediocre as with the Faith which is granted to us as a free Gift (Ephesians 2:8). This substitutive type of Faith is potent enough to make God's Righteousness ours as a free GIFT (Romans 5:17; 9:30; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Phil. 3:9). The kind of faith imputed under the New Covenant results in a lesser position than does that under the Body. The superior Faith allocated to the Body is not imputed faith, as it is under the New Covenant, but it is a substituted Faith (1 John 5:4).

Most evangelists expect outbursts of emotion to accompany regenerative experiences. Many converts become disturbed because their initial impressions did not meet their expectations. They came to them as a still small voice, rather than in an earth shaking tumult (1 Kings 19:11-12). First contacts with the Gospel often are mild and disappointing. The twelve Apostles were called into service without ostentation. There is no record that Paul's converts responded with hilarity.

When Nicodemus was convicted of his spiritual need there was no spectacular display of either agony or ecstasy. Spiritual relationships are established when one changes ones attitudes and views toward spiritual matters. No outward signs of emotion are required for entering into the fellowship, either of the New Covenant or the Body. Such demonstrations belong to Israel and the earthly Kingdom.

A full response and commitment to the truths presented are all that is needed. Outward testimonials of an internal, abiding power and peace usually appear gradually, as each candidate grows in Grace and knowledge of truth. The Word is like a planted seed, which generates, sprouts, buds and blossoms in order to produce fruit, flower or foliage.

Portions of the so-called Gospels, Acts, James and Revelation do exhibit signs and fleshly manifestations. However, all of them are associated directly with the earthly Kingdom of Heaven for Israel. They have no privity with the New Covenant or the Body.

Some of these visible Kingdom demonstrations are: healings, visions, dreams etc. (Acts 9:3~ 12:7~ 16:9). Under Grace most believers begin their new life in an unassuming manner, and proceed on their spiritual path without much fanfare. God works in decency and order in this matter also. However, emotionalism does play an important part in our spiritual experiences later. No thrills can equal those which come through God's Word and the Holy Spirit.

Due to the dismal situation which existed in the Corinthian church, God permitted its constituents to speak in unintelligible tongues, but only in a restricted sense (1 Corinthians 13:8; 14:27-31). This was because of their raw paganism and their shallow spiritual perception. The Lord often used this same strategy, rather as a rebuke than as a commendation (Matthew 19:8~ Luke 19:22) .

Sometimes God's choicest saints prefer Satan's lie to God's truth, as did Peter (Matthew 16:21-23; Acts 10:14). Immediately after making a bold declaration Peter reversed his position completely. His Kingdom aspirations were blasted by the Lord's prophecy concerning His death and resurrection, of which He had spoken on several occasions (Mark 9:10,31-32; John 10:6; 12:32-34; 20:9).

From this account we can appreciate somewhat the high value which, God places upon His infallible Word (Psalms 138:2; Matthew 4:4). God is jealous for His Word. He must defeat Satan's attacks upon it, even when they are made by His most intimate servants.

Admission into the New Covenant heavenly Kingdom, which leads to the New Jerusalem, is predicated upon the New Birth. Its prospective terminus is the General Assembly, which is not the Body (Luke 23:42; John 3:3,5,16; Acts 20:28; Hebrews 12:23). Overcomers from the General Assembly in the New Jerusalem will become the Church of the Firstborn which consists of the Kingdom of Priests. This prophesied Church could not be the Mystery Body Church (Matthew16:18). Neither could it be the Pentecostal (Kingdom) Church, which will be confined to the New Earth, and will not have access to the New Jerusalem.

As stated, some members of the New Covenant's Church of the Firstborn will be entitled to the extra privilege of becoming Kings and Priests unto God by performing meritorious works (Matthew 19:28-29; 1 Corinthians 10:1,4-10; Hebrews 3:17). Peter's John's and Hebrews epistles persistently pursue the New Covenant, but not the Body or the earthly Kingdom of Heaven (1 Peter 1:3,18-19,23; 1 John 1:4-5,7).

Under the New Covenant our Lord bequeathed His abiding Peace to His disciples. But, in the Body HE is our Peace personified (John 14:27; Ephesians 2:14). The latter is that Peace of God which exceeds all human comprehension. It cannot be produced by, or prevented by man's ingenuity. This is positive proof that definite increases in benefits are bestowed upon the Body over and above those of the New Covenant.

To neglect or to deny these progressive factors would prove disastrous to the whole tenor of God's planned economy. All the fulness of the Godhead dwells in the Son (Col. 2:9-10). He then is the ONE unspeakable GIFT which surmounts all other good and perfect gifts, and which exclude all boasting  1 Corinthians 1:26-31; 15:10; Galatians 6:3 In the Body He is God's incomparable GIFT appropriated by Faith alone (2 Corinthians 9:15).

Video Archive - Les Feldick Bible Study

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
Read Romans 1:16, Romans 10:9-10 and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

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