The Great Debate!
by Pastor Ricky Kurth
Paul wrote that "young women" with "husbands" and "children" are to be
"keepers at home" (Titus 2:4,5), the exact meaning of that latter phrase
has inspired debates among Christians of epic proportion! At the core
of this discussion we usually find the issue of whether or not a mom
should work outside the home. And one of the examples of Christian
women in the Bible who can help answer this question is a woman the
Bible describes as "virtuous," saying,
"...a virtuous woman... perceiveth that her merchandise is good... she layeth her hands to the spindle, and... the distaff..." (Proverbs 31:10,18,19).
The spindle and distaff were used in making cloth, and that word "merchandise" refers to goods that are bought and sold. That means this lady was a merchant! That agrees with how this chapter later says of her, "she maketh fine linen, and selleth it" to other merchants (v. 24).
her example, I would suggest it is not unvirtuous for a Christian wife
to work outside the home. If it be argued that she ran a home business,
as opposed to working for an employer, I would invite you to consider
that in those days most men were also self-employed.
It was the Industrial Revolution that led men away from family-owned
farms and businesses to work outside the home. So this virtuous woman
was employed in the same way most men were in her day.
in the New Testament, we see another merchant named Lydia, "a seller of
purple" (Acts 16:14). She had a "household" (v. 15), a family, as well
as a business that took her and her family away from her home in
Thyatira to Philippi, where she too worked outside her home.
we didn't create the two-income society in which we live. Women in the
'60s were sold a bill of goods when they were told that being a wife
and mother wasn't a high enough ideal to aim at in life. But when they
went to work, prices rose accordingly. When retailers saw people had
more money, they charged more for their products, forcing many wives to
work just to make ends meet. So as I say, we didn't create this
two-income society, but we have to live in it.
this has caused no end of unhappiness for believers and unbelievers
alike. Back in the '90s I heard a radio talk show host tell how he took
calls from wives in the '60s who felt trapped because they wanted to
work outside the home but couldn't, for in those days jobs for women
were scarce. But in the '90s he heard from women who also felt
trapped, but for the oppo-site reason. They longed to be able to stay
home with their children, but couldn't afford to do so.
If it is your understanding that moms shouldn't
work, I have nothing but respect for your conviction. It is extremely
difficult to raise a family on one income as I did, and those choosing
to do so face an uphill climb. Standing firm in the face of what
feminism did to us takes courage.
whatever your conviction, it is my sincere hope that you will avoid
being critical of those who are of a different persuasion. Paul says,
"Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth... Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind" (Romans 14:4,5).
Christians belong to the Lord. He is our Master, we are His servants.
So when you judge another believer, you are judging God's servant! And
when you do, you should know that the Lord is on his side. How do I know? Because Paul went on to say,
" his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand" (Romans 14:4).
means that no matter what your personal conviction is as to the meaning
of "keepers at home," God will uphold you at the Judgment Seat of
Christ--that is, if you live by your conviction and don't judge others.
What do you say we all determine right here and now to be grace
believers in deed and not just in word, and be gracious in this
sensitive area of life as well.
Les Feldick Ministries
30706 W. Lona Valley Rd.
Kinta, OK 74552
Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey
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