Thursday, March 8, 2012

WHAT IS THE MYSTERY? - By Robert E. Hanna

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:14-18

There are many references to various "mysteries" in the scriptures. Indeed, God Himself and all His wondrous works are one great mystery which is incomprehensible to the finite intellect. Which of the many mysteries do we define as THE mystery? Paul writes to the Ephesian church, "By revelation He [Christ] made known unto me THE MYSTERY" (Eph. 3:3). He even relates the manner in which the miraculous communication was established. He tells of how he "Was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter" (II Cor. 12:4).

Some are confused in thinking that "the mystery" is that salvation will be offered to the Gentiles (Paul being identified as the apostle to the Gentiles) at an appropriate time. However, this is not the case for we read in the book of Hosea, "1 will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which are not my people. Thou art my people; and they shall say. Thou art my God" (Hos. 2:23).

Neither is "the mystery" a reversal from one chosen people to another chosen people. When Israel was still in favor with God, the only way for a Gentile to attain sanctification was by way of proselytism. A Gentile had to be converted to the Jewish religion in order to share their salvation. But today the Jew is not saved by conversion to a Gentile religion.

What then IS "THE mystery"? Paul tells us that it is "that the Gentiles should be FELLOWHEIRS, and of the same Body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel" (Eph. 3:6). This does not mean that we are to share the promise of an earthly kingdom, but that Jew and Gentile alike are to share a new promise. "That He might reconcile both unto God in ONE BODY by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby...For through Himwc BOTH have access by one Spirit unto the Father." "For we arc members of His Body, of His flesh, and of His bones" (Eph. 5:30).

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.

Read Romans 1:16, Romans 10:9-10 and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey
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