Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thank God, my friend, IT IS NOT TOO LATE By The Late Bob Thompson

Thank God, my friend, IT IS NOT TOO LATE 
By The Late  Bob Thompson

To be saved from the wrath to come, “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved”. - John 3:17. This message is your hands is proof that God is once more crossing your path. Therefore, if you truly want to be right with Him, this is your opportunity. But do not put it off! DEATH, instead of TOMORROW, may come – for you. (Read Proverbs 27:1 and 29:1).

Remember, no man has lived too vile or too pharisaical to be saved, “For ALL HAVE SINED, and come short of the glory (the righteousness) of God” – Romans 3:23. We read that “Christ died for the UNGODLY (not godly)” – Romans 5:6. Christ told the multitudes:” … him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” – John 6:37. And Romans 10:13 plainly states that “WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED”. That “whosoever” includes you, my friend. (see John 3:14-18; 5:24; Rev. 22:17).

SALVATION IS FREE. Christ did NOT say,”… him that cometh to me with good works, such as water baptism, sabbath keeping, church membership, a clean, moral life, etc. I will in no wise cast out”. He demands only the FULL AND UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of your soul to Him. (Read Isaiah 66:1-2; Psalms 34:5; Eph 2:8-9; Romans 4:1-8, 21,25; Titus 3:5; 1. Corinthians 15:1-6).

THESE ARE DESPERATE TIMES in which we live, but your need of Christ is even more desperate, for soon you will go out of this life into eternity. Will you go out PREPARED to meet God? “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.”-Hebrews 9:22; 1 Petter1:18-19. But Christ shed His blood FOR OUR SINS. Thus ALL the sins of Adam’s fallen race have been nailed to the cross, except the one UNFORGIVEABLE, DAMNING SIN of rejecting Jesus Christ and HIS FINISHED WORK- John 3:36. What WILL YOU DO with Him? Your eternal destiny rests on your answer.

Prophetic Gleanings from Daniel and Revelation!

The two books of the Bible which are most often studied in regard to prophecy are the books

of Daniel and the Revelation. In Prophetic Gleanings from Daniel and Revelation, the late Pastor Ike T. Sidebottom gives a clear presentation of the major prophecies of these books in light of a dispensational view of God’s Word.

This book has been out or print for over forty years. I would like to send you this book as an attachment. This is a 36 page book it can be downloaded to a floppy disk.

“Speaking the Truth in Love”

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
ead Acts 16L31 Romans 1:16, and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

E-mail this BIBLE STUDY to all your friends 

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