Thursday, August 20, 2015

Light on the Middle East Dilemma - By Les Feldick

 Last month I attended my annual training session that’s required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who each explained their belief system.

After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam and asked, "Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad (Holy war) against the infidels of the world. And that by killing an infidel, which is a command to all Muslims, they are assured of a place in heaven. If that’s the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?" There was no disagreement with my statements, and without hesitation, he replied, "Non-believers!"

 The Imam was speechless. I continued, " I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me. Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have your Allah who tells you to kill me in order to go to Heaven or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to Heaven and He wants you to be with me?" You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame.

By Rick Mathes, a well known leader in prison ministry.

Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the "Diversification Training Seminar" were not very happy with Rick’s way of dealing with the Islamic Imam and exposing truth about the Muslims’ beliefs. We think everyone in the US should be required to read this, but with the liberal justice system, liberal media, and the ACLU, there is no way this will be adequately published. But we should do what we can. Please pass this on.

 How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
Read Romans 1:16, Romans 10:9-10 and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

Posted By Cecil  and Connie Spivey 

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