Wednesday, April 20, 2016



 JOHN McKAY, Pastor

 Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:4

What does it mean to be "in Christ"? Certainly there is a sense that it means to be a believer in Him. There were many who believed in Christ when He came to be the King of Israel. Paul refers to relatives being "in Christ" before he was. This obviously must relate to the Kingdom program when Christ (having come to minister only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel), was trusted as the Anointed One. It is perfectly clear that no one could be "in Christ" in the Pauline sense until after the Apostle for this age was saved and given light in the Gospel of the Grace of God.

What does it mean to be "in Christ" in the Pauline sense of that term? It involves all of the truth of our Oneness with Christ, beginning with the Baptism by the Holy Spirit into the One Body. This great spiritual truth of the only Baptism for this age (Ephesians 4:5), reveals that We are united with the Lord Jesus in His death, resurrection, and life in a way too wonderful for us to fully comprehend now!

Our "Liberty in Christ" should be seen as a truly precious freedom from sin, the Law, condemnation, and the bondage of other men's opinions. Not only has the believer escaped these terrible things by trusting Christ, he also has the unimaginable freedom of access into the presence of God and the blessings of living by faith in His holy written Word. Did you know you had such liberty? (See II Corinthians 3:17-18).

Although some legalists were trying to take away the Apostle's liberty and bring him into bondage, they were condemned as "false" brethren (Galatians 2:4). "Stand fast" (Galatians 5: I) in the "glorious liberty" (Romans 8:21; I Corinthians 10:2).


How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
Read Romans 1:16, Romans 10:9-10 and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

 Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

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