Thursday, November 10, 2016


By Elvin C. Myers

Scripture Reading: Matthew 1:23

The argument goes like this; if Jesus was Emmanuel, God with us, then Mary was the mother of God. If Jesus was born without a sin nature, then His mother must also have been born without a sin nature. God gave her a special pure soul. After Jesus was born, Mary remained a virgin. Because she was the sinless mother of God, she went directly to heaven without dying. Does the Bible confirm any of these ideas?

First, being born into the human race did not make Jesus God. He was God before He became man, a member of the triune Godhead in eternity past. Our text says He was God with us, implying He came to be with us. God is a singular word in English, but it contains a plural thought in both English, Greek and Hebrew. This is why God said in Genesis 1:26-27 "Let us make man in our own image." One image for "us" and "our." Mary is not the mother of the triune Godhead. Christ lived in eternity past without a mother. The Pharisees understood this (John 5:18). She gave birth to God's Son without being the originator of His being.

Did Mary have a sin nature? If she did, she was a sinner and needed a Savior like everyone else. She acknowledged this when she said in Luke 1:47, "My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior." She had a Savior.
Did Mary remain a virgin after Jesus was born? Matthew 13:55 names Mary's four sons, who were born after Jesus, and mentions sisters. There were at least six more children born to Joseph and Mary.

Did Mary die? As far as we know from the record, the Bible does not say she didn't. It seems safe to say she died. Mary was a Godly woman, and we respect her as much as the disciples did. We should not say more about her than the Scriptures warrant.

King James Bible
The Preserved and Living Word of God

Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey
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