Thursday, July 24, 2014


 Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Psalms 68:11

 "Prove to me in one word that the Bible is the inspired Word of God!" demanded King Frederick of Prussia of a Christian minister one time. After a few moments of thought the answer came clear, "The Jew, Sir, the remarkable Jew is one evidence that the Bible is the inspired Word of God!"

 Yes! The Bible IS the very Word of our sovereign God even though He chose to use some forty human authors through which to give His Word. Yet the truth still stands, "The Lord (the Master) gave the Word" (Psalms 68:11). "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God"--that is, "all Scripture is God-breathed." By His Spirit He brought the Word of God into being! No wonder we read in Hebrews 4:12 that it is "living and active," "His Word, said the Psalmist, 'runneth very swiftly' (Psalms 147:15). According to both Isaiah 55:11 and Matthew 4:4 it came forth from the very mouth of God! Blessed Book! It is "forever settled in heaven!"

 Can men ever destroy this Book? They may burn Bibles by the thousands, pass laws preventing the propagation of that Book, jail or even slay the  preachers of it, yet "heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35). Men may cry that it is out-dated and not relevant to our times, yet it still abides and is changing the lives of millions who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Why! Because God has sworn to stand by His Word: "I will hasten my word to perform it" (Jeremiah 1:12).

 "The Bible stands like a rock undaunted
 'Mid the raging storms of time;
 Its pages burn with the truth eternal,
 And they glow with a light sublime.
 The Bible stands ev'ry test we give it,
 For its Author is divine;
 By grace alone I expect to live it,
 And prove it and make it mine,"

 Now we may say a hearty "Amen" to these blessed  truths--and rightly should we. But the acid test is this: "Does this Book have authority over my life?" If not, then you are in rebellion against its blessed Author! I trust you are not, but if you are, remember that "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry!"

God doesn't call the qualified.
He qualifies the ones He calls!

 How God Saves Men

Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.

Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.

Read Romans 1:16, Romans 10:9-10 and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

Posted By Cecil  and Connie Spivey 

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