Friday, January 8, 2016


  by Pastor Richard Jordan

Dispensational Chart
The government of the universe was usurped by the fellow by the name of Lucifer, and today, the governmental structure of the heavenly government is under the control of, and in the hands of, the adversary, the enemy, Satan. That ol' serpent, the devil.

Then, Jesus Christ, by virtue of His death and burial at Calvary, and His resurrection caused a shake up in Satan's heavenly government, and the Lord Jesus Christ established His OWN government, and one day, He's going to come back and take up His rightful place as King of kings on the earth, and as only Potentate; that is the absolute, supreme, top RULER throughout all the heavenly places also.

Its important that you understand that God Almighty is interested in this universe. God didn't just establish it and throw it out there for it just to go on its merry way. God Almighty didn't create any part of the universe without a purpose to it. And, the ultimate purpose in the whole totality of it is TO BRING GLORY AND HONOUR TO HIMSELF. And, you and I have a part in all of this, we have a definite part in God's rulership over the universe.

The main theme of the Bible is the subject of a throne and AUTHORITY over this universe. You need to realize God is interested in who's running things, and He's got a program and a plan and a procedure to bring the authority of this universe back under His control, under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. The earth is going to be brought back under His authority THROUGH A KINGDOM VESTED IN THE NATION OF ISRAEL. And, that's what we call PROPHECY in the Bible. That's that program that God has made known since the foundation of the world, and God's purpose in the nation of Israel is to bring earth back under His authority and rule over the nations and to bring the headship of Jesus Christ, as King of kings and Lord of lords to bear from shore to shore. And, one day the Lord Jesus Christ will come back and He'll flat do that.

But, you know, Jesus Christ's kingdom, we now know, is going to extend far more than just to the earth. Its going to extend out through the heavenly places themselves. And God Almighty has another purpose; that is the purpose in the Church the Body of Christ. That's called the MYSTERY. That's a purpose God didn't tell anybody about, from the time He put man on the earth until the time He saved apostle Paul and revealed it to him. Christ from glory revealed it to him, and it has to do with a purpose that God had before the foundation of the world, in choosing out the Body of Christ, in order that He might use it in the Ages to Come, to show forth the honour and the glory of His name, in the HEAVENLY PLACES out there. And that's why over and over and over again you're called a HEAVENLY PEOPLE with a HEAVENLY HOPE and a HEAVENLY CALLING. Its not a statement of the character, but rather the spirit of operation: where are you going to be? The heavenly places, up there. And, my friend, God Almighty's purpose is to bring those heavenly places back under the headship of Jesus Christ through the instrumentality of the Church the Body of Christ. That's why you're called a HEAVENLY PEOPLE, that's why your blessings are in HEAVENLY PLACES.

Just as He will reconcile the earth and restore it under His authority, through the nation Israel, and that's the subject of PROPHECY, so it is that God's intention is to bring the heavenly places back under His authority, just like He will the earth, but through the instrumentality of the Church the Body of Christ, a program which is being made known TODAY during the INTERRUPTION of the prophetic program. Its IMPORTANT that you understand the difference between the prophetic program and the mystery program. And don't you EVER let anybody come along and try to convince you that it isn't important. You'll never be able to function for God like you ought to, unless you understand that. You'll never be what God wants you to be, what He's planned for you to be, unless you understand some things about the word of God rightly divided. Now, you don't have to understand every detail of the Bible --- if you do, come see me, I got some questions for you (chuckle) --- I'm talking about understanding WHAT GOD IS DOING TODAY, and how He wants you to function as a member of the Church the Body of Christ. You won't get that without understanding these distinctions.

That's why we need to know the difference between what goes on in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and what you find in Romans through Philemon (Paul's epistles), and that its different from what's happening in Hebrews through Revelation.

Folks, you need to understand some things about rightly dividing the word, because if you don't grasp it, if you don't think its important, if you think its just something we KNOW, but it doesn't have to live in our lives ... the glory that God Almighty desires to have THROUGH YOU out there in the Ages to Come is going to be affected by that.


How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.
Read Romans 1:16, Romans 10:9-10 and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

Posted By Cecil  and Connie Spivey 

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