Wednesday, June 22, 2016

False Teachers In The Last Days - By Laura Feldick Tomas

False Teachers In The Last Days 
By Laura Feldick Tomas

Laura is the daughter of Les and Iria Feldick
 Through The Bible With Les Feldick Ministries  

 The apostle Peter warns us that there will be a lot of false teaching in the last days and that we are to be on guard against such things. There is a teaching that has emerged just in the last 2 1/2 years based on a report by one atheist scientist named Dr. Eran Elhaik. He tries to say that the vast majority of the Jews of the world are not really Jews at all. This false teaching suggests that only the Sephardic Jews are "real Jews" and the Ashkenazi Jews are not. (These are the two major groups with a few subsets) The Sephardic Jews originated in the Middle East and then ended up in Spain and Portugal and then most seemingly migrated to North Africa after ousted from Spain in 1492. The Ashkenazi Jews are comprised mostly of the lighter skinned Jews that either live in, or descended from, eastern Europe, (Germany Poland Ukraine etc.) or western Russia.

In researching, (about 15 different articles) most of the DNA studies/data referred back to the dispersal of the Jews during the time of the Roman Empire. A couple of them mentioned the Babylonians taking Judah captive in 597, 587, and 582BC but not one "scientific study" took into account all those Jews taken captive by the Assyrians in 740-722 BC. According to ancient Assyrian records, the Assyrians took 200,150 captives. It is interesting to note that God said those taken by the Babylonians would be allowed to return while never giving the same promise to those taken by the Assyrians. The ancient Assyrian empire extended almost as far north as the Black Sea and it is easy to see that people could have migrated to the west/north or gone east of the Black Sea and gone north into Western Russia as the Assyrian Empire fell. It is absolutely amazing that not one study brought the Assyrian captivity in as a factor. Considering that the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities took a large portion of the Jewish population north, the scientific studies did not seem very scientific to me. However, the studies did all agree that the Ashkenazi population had a "more homogeneous genetic background compared to the general population,", meaning they do not have the ethnic diversity (in their DNA mapping) that other people have – because for 4000 years a majority have followed God's command not to intermarry with Gentiles.

The bottom line is that only one study concluded that Ashkenazic Jews did not originate in the Middle East but rather originated in the Caucus and thus concluded they were not Jewish. The false claim is that this large group of people just happened to embrace Judaism in the 700s to circumvent accepting Islam or Christianity. Many feel that these claims are an attempt to disapprove the Ashkenazi ancestral claims to the land. Whatever the reason, it is another false teaching of the end times. It also goes to show that the scientists do not know their biblical history or certainly they would have taken into account the Assyrian captivity. Above all, there are several verses in God's word telling us he will bring back His people from the north. Example: Jeremiah 16:15 But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers. 

           Thank You Lord For (Click) Saving My Soul     

(A 10 Mnute Video)

Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey

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