Monday, March 24, 2014


We dare not consider the stenai [stand] of Eph.6:13 apart from the provisions of chapters one through three. This is no mere privilege: it is an imperative. This stand is the third of three great verbs in this epistle, the first of which is the prerequisite of the other two.

The first is seen in the ineffable assertion "He made us sit together," Eph.2:6. Christ, when He had made purification for sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on High, Heb.1:3. God the Father set Christ in His own rights in the heavenlies, Eph.1:20. Paul affirms that we share in that magnificent sequence, as objects of lavished grace, when he states that we are "jointly-quickened with Christ, jointly raised, and jointly-seated with Christ in the super- heavenlies," Eph.2:5b,6.

This is, of course, a Fait Accompli. In as much as through His incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension He has forever triumphed over the Accuser, this standing, or should we say, joint-seating, is in no jeopardy of failing. Far from being the victors, we are the objects of the VICTOR'S interest; our role in this glorious enterprise is a passive one, He made us alive in union with Christ Jesus, it was He that worked in Christ Jesus when He raised Him from the dead, Eph.1:19, so raised us up in union with Him. It was He, by that power lifting Christ to the heavenlies and causing Him to be seated in the full rights of God, jointly lifted us into that realm and set us there with Christ.

Observe, it is not said, in raising us to the heavenlies, we are to be seated. He Who delights in the impossible has triumphed over all our weakness in His matchless strength and He has set us as objects of grace in a joint-union with Christ. He picked us up and set us down. It is difficult to accept the fact that we are loved without merit or demerit - no deserving, no striving, no reaching, no attaining, no gaining, and thus, alas, no boasting! Paul asserts that from first to last this is the gift of God. We did not even SIT down, He sat down, and He SEATED US.

Now it is to us, in this heavenly sphere, objects of this grace, that the command comes to walk "worthily of this exalted Calling", 4:1. It would seem impossible that one so blessed should walk unworthily, or otherwise than in love - but the truth we dare not overlook is that the exhortation to walk worthily is directed to those who are so seated. The walk is expected of those who have been made to sit. Only those who have been made to sit with Christ in the heavenlies can hope worthily to walk. The "seating" does not depend upon the walking; the walking, one's way of life, depends upon the sitting. The "Seating" is the work of God in union with the glorified Christ, and we are seated by God and told to walk. The seating is bound up with the accomplished, finished work of Christ, NOT in the walking. The sitting is the cause, the worthily walking is the result.

Here our pride may ensnare us yet. "Here at last," weak flesh shouts gleefully, "is something for me to do." But this is, to the contrary, also the outworking of the indwelling Christ, Who, by the power that is at work in us (that power not being exhausted in our being raised to the heavenlies and seated there) is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think, Eph.3:20, in line with the Christ-like walk.

When we come then to the battlefield of 6:10-20, we are told to HOLD THE FIELD, it is still within this glorious context. Because of our seating and walking the call comes to us to Hold the Field. The seating is not in danger, if we yield to the Enemy that which has been wrested from his grasp, the walk may be in danger of being unworthy of such a high calling.

The Great War was won in the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. We are not told to take the field but to hold it. Eph.6:10,11: " ... keep being empowered (endynamousthe, a passive) in union with Jehovah and in union with the effectively-working- might of His strength. Put on God's Panoply, so as to be empowered (dynasthai) to stand against the skillful strategy of the Devil"

The power is His power working in us the impossible, we are told to submit to its constant empowering. No frail human wretch is called upon in his unaided strength to face so great a foe, even if the foe is already conquered. Here, the man of the heavenlies, in union with the Lord of the heavenlies, is reminded of his duty to withstand, he is in no danger, for he has the life of His Lord, in this conflict he cannot lose, for the victory is assured, before the call to battle, he sings the victor's song. The ground is already won, it is his matchless privilege to hold it in union with Christ who empowers him, and Who, in the final analysis, holds it. But the man of the heavenlies is called to share in this enduring conflict, for he who was ousted at Calvary would regain the lost ground, he will not, he cannot, try as he may, for the ground is held in the power of the Lord Jesus. The war is won, through Christ our Victor.

"Dress up in God's panoply", Eph.6:11. The emphasis is not upon the English word "whole." The word panoply means whole Armor; for what Hoplite (foot-soldier) would consider going to war with only part of his Armor? This is a war against a master schemer intent upon wrecking the life of the Man of the Heavenlies, the Heavenly Hoplite, as he goes about his walk. Satan, nor demon, cannot touch the life seated jointly with Christ in the heavenlies but he will contest the victory claim to the end that the life he cannot touch be rendered as ineffectual as possible. It is not rewards that are disputed but the usefulness of a person's life for Christ.

Each of these epithets, Eph.6:12, Principalities, Authorities, World Tyrants of this Darkness, Spirits of Super mundane Wickedness in battle dress - they march, but you are not told to march, you are not told to fight. You are told to be dressed in God's panoply so as to be able yourself to stand. This is repeated "for this reason pick up God's panoply, so that you may be able to withstand in the day, the Evil One, and having done all things thoroughly to be able to stand decisively there, Eph.6:13.

If one strips away the imagery of physical "Armour" the panoply consists of Truth, Righteousness, the Gospel of Peace, the Faith, and the Word of God. Satan's warfare is against these issues.

Before the Heavenly Hoplite takes his stand upon these ramparts he does the "girding ... putting on ... binding under the feet (the sandals) ... picking up." After the hoplite has done all these, he then takes his stand.

Only the praying is present, 6:18, as though timeless, characterizing every act of the soldier. Thus, the warfare of the heavenlies is bounded by the command ever to submit to the empowering and ever to be praying in every season in spirit.

Praying for whom? For all the saints. They too are heavenly hoplites; and they too take their stand. Ever praying, for whom? "And for me ... " Ah! for thee, Paul? Bound in chains, gazing perhaps upon the Roman soldier to whose wrists thou art chained, whose very Armour may have given thee the figures for these passages; for thee Paul, who despite chains and prisons art none the less a heavenly hoplite of God? And, why pray for thee? Wouldst thou be free of thy chains? Wouldst thou be free of thy prison? Ah, hear him, this great soldier-saint: "and for me, that to me may be granted utterance, in opening my mouth (not these prison doors), with boldness to make known the Mystery of the Good News, for the sake of which I GROW OLD IN MY CHAINS (for this is the meaning of "I am an ambassador" that I may speak freely in it, as indeed I must speak."

Hast thou no scar?
No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand?
I hear thee sung as mighty in the land.
I hear them hail thy bright, ascendant star.

Hast thou no scar?

Hast thou no wound?
Yet I was wounded by the archers, spent,
Leaned me against a tree to die: and rent
By ravening beasts that compassed me, I swooned:
Hast thou no wound?

No wound? No scar?
Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,
And pierced are the feet that follow me;
But thine are whole ... can he have traveled far
Who has no wound or scar? By: Amy Carmichael

Dr. A. J. Roddy

Hoplite, Gr., "hoplites" - tool or weapon, a heavily armed soldier. A.J.R.

Satan is not Omnipotent, Omnipresent, nor Omniscient. Demon activity crested in crisis in view of Christ's impending death and resurrection. Curiously, demons used Christ's rightful titles. Mt,8:28,29; Lk.4:33,34. Demon activity is within the realm of Satan's pseudo- Ministers of Righteousness, 2 Cor.11:13-15. R.H.S

How God Saves Men
Believing Christ DIED, that’s HISTORY.
Believing Christ DIED for YOU SINS and Rose again that’s SALVATION.

Read Romans 1:16, Romans 10:9-10 and 1. Corinthians 15:1-4

(A 10 Minute Video)

Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey
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