Saturday, April 12, 2014

Basic Bible Study Guides The Berean

There are several basic GUIDES of Bible study. Once they are learned and practiced, the Christian will find that the Bible is not such a 'hard and difficult book to understand' after all. The rules are these.

1. WHO is speaking?

2. TO WHOM is he speaker speaking?

3. ABOUT WHAT is he speaking?

4. WHEN was it spoken? Remembering of course that 'while all the Bible was written FOR you, it was not all written to you, nor was it written ABOUT you.'

Notice also God's progressive program and how He deals with different people through the ages. God never changes as far as His character is concerned...but He does change His dealings with men. He does not deal with people in the same way in every age. Notice how His program changes beginning with the earthly ministry of our Lord.


In the Gospel records, we find our Lord choosing twelve Apostles (Matthew 10:5-6. Later, however, these men were given authority to act in the King's absence (Matthew 28:18-19), and were told to go to the World, but go to the Jew first (Acts 1:8). However, still later, these twelve confine their ministry to Israel and another is appointed to go to the Gentiles Gal. 2:7-9). But compare this program with the ministry of Paul to the Church (Acts 28:28 and Ephesians 3).


In the beginning they were to announce 'The Kingdom at Hand' (Matthew 3:12; 10:7). Then later in Acts 2:29-39 and Acts 3:19-21 they were to 'Offer the Kingdom.' It will also be noticed that when they 'Announced "The Kingdom to be at Hand' they told the people to 'repent and be baptized, confessing their sins' (Mark 1-5). But later when 'the Kingdom was Offered.' they told the people to 'repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit' (Acts 2:38). But compare this with the message of Paul as he preaches to the Gentiles (Ephesians 2:14-15 and 4:4-5).
As they begin their ministry, miracles abound (Matthew 10:1-8) and as they continue their ministry they do even greater works (Acts 2:43) but then the miracles begin to vanish until there is no trace of them at all (1 Timothy 5:23; 2 Timothy 4:20).


In the beginning of their ministry, God provided everything (Matt. 10:8-9) as they continued, they practiced what they preached (Acts 2:44-45). But, something changes; relief is sent to the poor saints (Acts 11:29, 1 Corinthians 16:1-3, and finally the order completely changes (1 Timothy 5:8; 1 Timothy 6:17-19).

Now the question is: Why did God change the program?

The Answer is: As long as God was dealing with Israel...His earthly peoples..He dealt in an earthy manner, viz; gifts of healing, many miracles, signs, tongues, wonders, water baptisms and all things in common...... but, when Israel rejected Christ and the offer of the kingdom, God turned from Israel (Acts 13:46), 18:6 and 28:28). He turned to the Gentiles and began building the Church which is the Body of Christ. So today, God speaks to us as Christians through the Apostle Paul and the Church is His Heavenly people. Our ministry is according to 2 Corinthians 5

The Coming Judgement
By Les Feldick

King James Bible
The Preserved and Living Word of God

(A 10 Minute Video)

Posted By Cecil and Connie Spivey


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